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From Fort Hall Accounts 1834-39, Oregon Historical Society, Portland, OR.

Columbia River Fishing and Trading Company at Fort Hall

Chart of Accounts

Name                     Page in Ledger
Abbott, Wiggin           41 & 42, 115
Arogon, John             147 & 148
Antoine                  191 & 192
Adams, George            359 
Arling, William          313 
Boseley, Lewis           45 & 46, 125 & 126, 257
Bareloy, Marcus          47 & 48, 301, 434
Briggs Calvin            279, 383
Baker, Abel              79 & 80, 432
Bull, John               87 & 88
Bonifas, Antoine         153, 
Burroughs, John          157, 297
Berbona                  201 & 202, 418
Blackfoot, Little        209 & 210
Bonaparte, Baptiste      285 
Cairnes, Robert          29 & 30, 111 & 112, 470
Callahan, Tho.           25 & 26, 145
Clement, Antoine         75 & 76, 436
Coltens, Mose T.         78, 325
Cross, Oliver            161 & 162
Carpenter, Joseph        177 & 178
Cremer, Nevius           185 & 186
Carbo                    189 & 190
Chimillacha              193 & 194
Carnes, James            241 
C__, David               269, 377
Coffen, Charles          307 
Collins, W_              467 
Dido                     81 & 82
Dillo                    83 & 84
Dashan, John Baptiste    97 & 98, 293, 360
Dempsy, Wm               117 & 118, 237
Deforest, Austin         155 
Dezesle, Joseph          265, 446, 459
Denton, John             319 
Dick                     353 
Doffer Matteo            362 
Disbursments             97 
Evans, Robert            3 & 4, 305, 405
Ebbert George            131 & 132, 287, 330
Euneau Mechelle          217, 426
Frab Captn Henry         53 & 54
Finley John              135 & 136
Fared John               171 & 172
Finley Caleau            187 & 188
Fleming George           341, 412
Goda, Antoine            1 & 2, 137 & 138, 235, 389, 444
Greenburg John           57 & 58, 266
Gersey Benjn             71 & 72, 227
Gales Joseph             73 & 74, 127 & 128, 321 , 438
Gray Joseph              179 & 180
Gocca Left handed        195 - 196
Gale & Company           391 - 403 - 416 = 460
Hynds, John              9 & 10, 35 & 36, 121 & 122, 263, 365
Harrington Christopher   65 & 66
Hearing Valentine        221 & 222
Harry                    315 
Isaac                    357 
Jervey Batiste           43 & 44
James (Indian)           203 204
Joseph (Indian)          217 218
Kanackey Runaw           420 428
King Bill                361 
McCoy Capt T             51 & 52 502
Lovell William           129 & 130, 223 & 224
Lay Asa                  159 & 160, 299
LaRocque Joseph          173 & 174
LaEcuqe Amable           271 331
Labla Baptiste B.        275 
Laduke Joseph            277 349 448
Lawles Jack              355 
Maxwell, John            5 & 6, 93 & 94, 325 468
McKay Thomas             51 & 52 303
Macon Alexander          169 - 170
MacKaman Louie           181 & 182
McCary Richard           251 
Martin Harry             315 
Miles John               345 461
McKay & Thing            53 
Nott, Samuel             7 & 8 13 & 134 464
Nedw Charles             31 & 32
Newell Robert            139 & 140
Nepersey Tall            283 
Northwest Baptiste       289 
Negro                    311 
Owens Lemmon             15 & 16, 249, 335, 454
Ottabees Charles         69 & 70, 123 & 124, 281, 393
Paller John G.           63 & 64
Porter Humphrie          163 & 164, 243
Peneau Joseph            175 & 176
Pomes Whiget             205, 206
Patehtlum                207 208
Parle                    211 & 212
Pascah                   213, 214
Patterson A K            253 
Pig                      393 
Peter                    317 
Parker Harry             217 
Parker Jas               471 
Quill Quillichle         197, 198
Quill Quillichlepoo      219 228
Russell John             13, 14, 119-120, 323
Rost, Peter              21 & 22 452
Rice                     310 
Robson Edward            385 
Richardson & Co.         387 
Ritcheardson             469 
Ritchmond William        17-18, 95 & 96, 225 & 226
Schriver, Chas           23 & 24, 329
Stansbury Nicholas U.    91 & 92
Spaniard                 199, 200
Souleoyce Wheyet Pomes   205-206
Smith Jefferson          245 
Sogran Louie             291 
Spiller Henry            339 442
Sinclair Pruit           391 
Shot Benjamen            395 463
Standerland William      464 
Thompson Peter           59 & 60
Tommy                    85 & 86
Thing Joseph             89 & 90, 141 & 142, 351, 440
Thoma                    183 & 184
Tamier                   215 & 216
Trask Elbridge           337 
Tailors Shop             381 
Ward, John               11 & 12, 27 & 28, 39 & 40, 143 & 144, 233, 367
Wythe Nath'l             33 & 34
Walter George            49 & 50, 229 & 230, 408
Walker John Capt         55 & 56
Wallace Win              61 & 62
Warfield James           149 & 150
Wade Alex'r              151 & 152, 259, 376
Ward Elijah              165 & 16, 295, 452
Waller William           167 & 168
Wheyet Tomes             205 & 206
Woodman Jonathan         273, 347
Wright J. H.             343, 442
Wilkins Caleb            375 
Woodman & Campy          401 
Zimmer John              19 & 20, 231 & 232, 379, 430